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Join Us for the Ride


We’re based in National Capital Region innovation hub

We are dedicated towards integration of unique & original technologies that can provide a solution to existing challenges in pre-hospital care, technological aids for advancement of Motolance/ Ambulances & Hospital care inclusive of allied services. If you are a Start up working on such initiatives, join us as our innovative hub partners.

IInvitation for Innovators

Changing the future of ambulances/ live saving technologies means thinking differently.

Motolances are example of technology integrator models & it provides a platform to those who can provide tools, devices, systems, processes that can provide unique solutions to saving lives on roads & remote areas. Interested Startups / Individuals/ Manufacturers/ Traders are invited to join & let's innovate together. 

Medical Devices & Diagnostics

Coordinator: Gel Craft Healthcare (P) Ltd

Medical devices that can aid as live saving solutions on roads/ remote locations, sensors that can provide vital data about patient & any device that can prevent worsening of condition of victims. It includes portable X-ray or other imaging devices. Fast diagnostic kits for body profiling at remote site is also a challenge ahead.

Material Sciences

Coordinator: Bionova Corporation

Innovators who can provide solutions in terms of light-weight material with strength of steel to evolve "Patient Convener System" into 'All  Terrain' vehicle that save lives.


Coordinator: Motolance Corporation

If you have any symptoms based AI tools that can aid in training / decision-making of health care service provider/ emergency responder. Join us to test your system on our Motolance(s). 

Solar Energy

Coordinator: Gel Craft Healthcare (P) Ltd

Specialists / Innovative Designers that are working on transforming surfaces for harnessing solar energy for moving vehicles / stationary systems in miniaturized manner. Other Renewable/ Energy Recovery Innovators are also invited.

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Send us your 'Innovation' Que!

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